*** There might not be anything new under the sun, but everything is new in the Son. ***
“‘Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.’” (NIV, Matthew 11:28 – 30, italicized are mine)
If you limit your reading, please make sure you read the section on Ecclesiastes below.
Hello and greetings once again.
I have some wonderful types and insights to share with you about Elijah, his journey and unveiling to Israel.
The meat of the “types” will be in the next few posts.
First and foremost, he’s a “type” of Christ, prefiguring the Lord’s journey of preparation – fathered by God (Luke 2:40, 2:52; Ephesians 4:20-24; Philippians 2:5-11; Hebrews 5:7-10).
And he prefigures Christ’s ministry, under the anointing and power of the Holy Spirit, with the Father to Israel.
He’s also a “type” of those in Christ, the bride, prefiguring their journey of preparation by the Lord in eras of unprecedented change, fullness, and transition, such as that facing the body of Christ now, and coming.
He’s many faceted – symbolizing the new creation pioneered by Christ and promised to new covenant believers.
He typifies resurrection life this side of heaven – putting to death the deeds of the flesh to walk in newness of life – pointing to the Messiah to come, Christ, the only one to apprehend the fullness of resurrection life – the first fruit (1 Corinthians 15:23), and firstborn (Colossians 1:15) – overcoming the hostility of his flesh, made alive in spirit (see note at end of post).
And he typifies resurrection life, the heart of the gospel, offered to you and me this side of heaven. The wilderness journey of healing and restoration, Tabernacles.
And he’s also a type of those who offer the treasures of God’s love and goodness to those who have given up in times of unprecedented darkness and change.
A picture of God, Christ, coming to those in the most desperate of hours.
And maybe most importantly, he’s a picture of “hope,” to those who think they are too broken, wounded, or sinful, to merit the grace of God to be made “a new creation,” resurrection life – used by God to advance his kingdom. (1 Kings 19:3-5)
God is looking for the “Elijah’s” today among the broken and wounded among us.
The making of men and women of God is the work of the Lord and not ours.
We cannot save ourselves and we cannot heal and restore our brokenness.
But we can be a part of it by saying yes to Jesus for our own lives, and the lives of others.
There’s a “fullness of time” on the horizon for the Church, and also for the Antichrist world kingdom taking shape today.
The setting, spiritual climate, and culture at the time of Elijah is eerily similar to the opening and closing days of the gospel, imagine that?
The same Spirits of darkness who crafted “iron legs” (Daniel 2:33) and the fourth beast of Daniel Chapter 7 – symbols of the Antichrist kingdom at the time of Christ (and, “in spirit,” at the end of the gospel age) – have striven for two millenniums to repeat their conquests of the past.
Today, they’re enlarging their territory into almost every facet of human life, and at an appointed time – when sin and lawlessness comes to fullness once again – they’ll manifest their power and terrifying “headship” over mankind in one last attempt to gain dominion over the earth and crush God’s plan of redemption once and for all.
We know from Scripture the first revealing of the Antichrist world kingdom (at the end of the gospel era), the seventh head of the beast, is, in a measure, veiled. (Revelation Chapter 12)
We also know from Scripture the seventh head of the beast has a fatal wound and is healed. (Revelation Chapters 13 and 17)
The healing of the fatal wound occurs after Satan is cast out of heaven at the beginning of the Great Tribulation.
Notice the difference, Christ’s presence ushered in the Great Redemption – the gospel age – and Satan, his presence, ushers in the Great Tribulation, what a contrast!!
The eighth head of the beast is the seventh head resurrected with Satan at its helm. It unleashes the fury of hell on earth in pursuit of the remaining Christians, and, in short order, also on those of influence who helped bring it to power.
And contrary to popular Christian folklore and movies, the end-time bride escapes the Great Tribulation – is taken by God, like in the days of Elijah – just in the nick of time as one who is snatched from death by the hands of another.
The out translation doesn’t “just happen” innocently someday, but in an environment of severe trials and persecution following the great revival, just like in the days of Elijah.
It appears from Scripture the death wound to the seventh head of the beast is the result of the end-time global revival which many believe will last three years or more, fulfilling the last half of the 70th week of Daniel, Christ having fulfilled the first half. (Daniel Chapter 9)
The Scripture is silent how long the period is between the end of the global revival/ministry of the bride, and the start of the Great Tribulation.
It was about 40 years after Christ’s ministry before Jerusalem was destroyed.
Maybe there’s a few years or decades after the global revival, we don’t know.
And by the way, it is the revelation of Christ in the bride, in the move of God, that reveals the heart and nature “the true colors,” of the seventh world kingdom.
The bride unveils, to a measure, the darkness of the seventh world kingdom by the light of Christ in her through the grace and love of God flowing into the hearts and souls of desperate men and women.
So, keep your eyes on Jesus because the seventh world kingdom will not be revealed until the fullness of time, and then only in a measure, unlike the eighth kingdom, which will be revealed in full – tragically and horribly – for those caught in its allegiance or pursuit.
As life reigned in the era of Christ, death will reign in the era of the Antichrist.
Dovetailing Unprecedented Times with Divine Grace and Favor
A gathering storm necessitates advanced planning and preparation, and that’s what’s the Lord is doing today among those who respond to his call and say yes to the knock on the door of their heart.
The Lord set in motion his redemptive plan for men and women at the time of Adam’s fall.
And his redemptive plan includes the perfect timing of the move of his Spirit today in America and around the world – the “coming” of Christ to his sons and daughters, those among the wise virgins who embark, by the invitation of the Holy Spirit, on a deep journey with Jesus in the wilderness.
God does not leave his people unprepared but offers them a special invitation of divine grace and favor when one era is coming to a close and another is set to begin.
He’s not letting the body of Christ languish today and be consumed by its enemies, camped in old moves of God, weighed down by traditions, but, is inviting those who will come into the deep things of God.
It took roughly 1,500 years for the Reformation to come, for Passover to return, i.e., being born again.
It took roughly 1,900 years for Pentecost to return, the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
And, it’s taken nearly 2,000 years for Tabernacles to return, the deep wilderness journey of healing and restoration Christ promised.
The Lord knows what it takes to make it alive through the bottleneck of a change in eras.
It will take Tabernacles to get his sons and daughters safely through the bottleneck and fulfill the promise to be made like him.
That’s why there’s such prominence in Scripture in the promises and prophecies of God concerning the first advent of Christ, and the closing of the gospel age.
Noah, Moses, Isaiah, Daniel, Christ, and others, faced unprecedented challenges in their day – spiritual oppression and darkness, within and without, driving the people of God into deeper sin, apostasy, hopelessness, and despair.
They faced times of spiritual famine so pervasive and deep all would be lost had God not planned in advanced, preparing those who responded to his call to minister to the people of God in their time of distress, transition, and change.
As the apostle Jude says, “Be merciful to those who doubt; save others by snatching them from the fire; to others show mercy, mixed with fear – hating even the clothing stained by corrupted flesh.” (NIV, Jude 22 – 23)
The Never – Ending Story of Sins Attempt to Enslave the People of God
Solomon said it well when he said,
“All things are wearisome, more than one can say.
The eye never has enough of seeing, nor the ear its fill of hearing.
What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.
Is there anything of which one can say, ‘Look! This is something new’?
It was here already, long ago; it was here before our time.
No one remembers the former generations, and even those yet to come will not be remembered by those who follow them.” (NIV, Ecclesiastes 1:8 – 11, italicized are mine)
One of the many truths here is the natural order of things in a fallen world, the spiritual law of sowing and reaping.
(Interestingly, Solomon also muses later in Ecclesiastes the seemingly unwarranted and inexplicable intervention of God’s grace and favor.
We know from the New Testament God is no respecter of persons, as Peter says, “‘I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism but accepts from every nation the one who fears him and does what is right.’” (NIV, Acts 10:34 – 35))
Solomon reveals in what we call Ecclesiastes his observation of the law of sin and death set in motion by Adam and Eve.
The creation account set in motion the law of the Spirit of life.
Had Adam and Eve refused the serpents temptation of a different journey and path, and continued to rebuff his overtures, they would have fulfilled the law of the Spirit of life over six stages of growth and maturity planned from the beginning by God for them and theirs.
It is interesting Solomon, a type of Christ, foretelling the beginning stages of Christ’s millennial rule and his wisdom, did not symbolize the Savior as redeemer – transformation of the inner man from death to life.
That was reserved for others, like Elijah.
Elijah, was a type of “newness of life” – the resurrected life Christ walked before Calvary.
Nothing new under the sun is wisdom for the spiritually minded.
It’s a warning, lest we fall asleep, blinded by the seemingly endless course of generational sin, tirelessly and relentless in its repetition and increase.
It’s a stark warning not to look at the world, and world events, as clues to the kingdom of God, it’s appearing and work, in our generations.
Don’t be fooled by the repetitious signs of sin in the natural order of things, because sin is deceitful, no matter how you look at it.
Adam and Eve found that out, as we all know.
But discern the times spiritually, and this comes with time and journey with Christ.
The People of God
The world repeats its story over and over again, but that is not the story of the people of God in Christ.
Christ defeated that story and gives you and me another story in him.
And that is to be made into the likeness of Christ, cleansed and healed, partakers of his nature, Christ in us, the hope of glory.
And, don’t “fall” for the temptation of the seemingly ebb and flow of darkness, God has fallen asleep, he’s abandoned, deferred, or put on hold, his plan and calendar for you or me or our generations.
The way I see it, Peter elaborates on Solomon’s observation, warning in 2 Peter,
“… that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires. They will say, ‘Where is this “coming” he promised? Ever since our ancestors died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation.’” (NIV, 3:3 – 4)
This may well be one of the biggest “subtle and concealed” snares by the enemy facing the people of God today – seeing with the natural eye two millenniums of “world history,” the rise and fall of kingdoms, and concluding the promises and prophecies of God apply to others in the past, in the future, but not to me today.
Those who succumb and are not awaken in time will miss the progressive and unfolding work of God in the Church, and the final outreach to the loss.
An end-time apostasy is at the doors of the Church – contentment and spiritual sleep, forsaking the wisdom of God and the warnings of Scripture.
It has not always been this way nor will it always be this way.
There are vast changes happening in the world and members of the body of Christ.
Jesus is doing a deep work in the body of Christ today, among those seeking him.
Let’s be counted among the wise, the wise virgins who meet Christ. (Matthew Chapter 25)
Since the time of Adam and Eve, the natural order has been the continuing and ongoing attempt by the enemy of Christ to build a world kingdom, and, either enslave the people of God or kill them.
If people will not be made into his likeness, his plan is to kill them.
The enemy desires this creation for himself and his cohorts and has labored tirelessly, over six millenniums, to capture mankind and inflict disease, suffering, and death upon his subjects, and those who want God.
In the natural what Solomon said bears witness over the last six millenniums, and, particularly, in the impending transition our generations face as Christ’s millennium draws near.
To those on the perimeter or outside of Christ the natural order of things is the law of the land. Sin, affliction, and death, will continue unabated until God intervenes.
But God.
Those in Christ do not need to fear the natural order of things spoken by Solomon in Ecclesiastes (other than to be free of it working in our own lives!).
Nor place any confidence or trust in its repetition as portending the future.
For God has proclaimed the future, and sin, and its’ author, have no place in it.
Better still, today, presently, Christ is doing a profound work in the body of Christ to heal and restore his sons and daughters in grace and love.
A profound work of God is occurring today in our generations and you do not want to miss it!
An Open Door into the New Creation
Christ is ushering many into the wilderness, initiating the feast of Tabernacles in the lives of his sons and daughters.
It’s the final feast of the Old Covenant to be fulfilled in the New.
It’s been fulfilled at times in the gospel age, but, not to the extent nor depth it will be in the end-time bride.
There is a special work God is doing to prepare those who seek him in the closing hours of the gospel age.
Isaiah had some responses for different reasons and times to Solomon’s godly wisdom regarding the natural order of things;
“‘See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.’” (NIV, Isaiah 43:19)
“‘I have swept away your offenses like a cloud, your sins like the morning mist. Return to me, for I have redeemed you.’” (NIV, Isaiah 44: 22)
The New Testament repeats Isaiah’s proclamation clearly and unmistakably to those in Christ.
The law of sin and death has been crushed to powder by Jesus. Will we accept his offer of life?
It’s a journey and a process, the offer still stands while it is day. And if you’re in the night time and don’t know where to turn Jesus can make a new day for you!
It was God who ushered Elijah into the wilderness of preparation.
It was God who brought Elijah into the kingdom of God.
It was God who transported Elijah from the kingdom of natural order into the kingdom of grace, love, and redemption.
Because of the lateness of the hour, the deep pit of hopelessness and despair the former once people of God found themselves in, and the heavy weight of evil oppression, it would take a strong move of God’s Spirit to turn the hearts of the northern kingdom back to him.
Unique times and unique seasons require unique preparation.
It was needed at the time of Noah, Moses, Joshua, David, Elijah, etc., and, at the time of Christ.
And it is needed today as we draw into the closing hours of the gospel age.
The deceitful nature of wounds, brokenness, and sins, blinds men and women’s eyes to the testimonies of the past, and the power of darkness to wreak havoc presently and in the future, no matter how good intentions may be.
Not so in the kingdom of God, the law of the Spirit of life.
New Testament saints are admonished to be mindful and consider the ways of those who helped establish their faith in ages past and ages present.
Elijah is a type of those God removes from the natural order of things into his new creative work, to make men and women into the likeness of Christ, advancing his kingdom.
This is the heart of the gospel, the New Testament, the blood covenant Christ made with you and me.
We live in times like the days of Noah, Moses, Isaiah, and many others who faced looming changes.
Elijah was such a man, and I have many more types of him and his ministry to share.
Blessings, Drake
See the category “Fullness of Time,” An Epic Story for Millennium Forerunners, Part 1, for continuation in this series.
(a) NIV, Ecclesiastes, 1:9
(NIV) Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright© 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. www.Zondervan.com The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblical, Inc.™
The reference to Christ “comes” in 1 Corinthians 15:23 (NIV) is not referring to the second coming of Christ but to the various comings, appearances, revealing’s, etc., in the New Testament where, for example, Jesus told Peter in John 21:18 another would lead and guide him.
This is the deep work of the Spirit of God, beyond being born again and spirit filled, but the cleansing and healing promised by Christ and the prophets of old to make us into his likeness.
This is the wilderness journey with Christ symbolized in many respects by the feast of Tabernacles.
In reference to Christ putting to death the hostility of his own flesh, see Romans 6:10; Ephesians 2:14 – 16, an interlinear; Ephesians 4:21 – 24; Hebrews 5:7 – 10; 1 Peter 3:18, etc.