Good morning, as I write to you from SeaTac, Washington this early March morning. Spring is just around the corner and I’m excited to see what God has for me and you this coming year.
Who knows what Jesus would like to accomplish in your life and mine? And how he can advance his kingdom through you and me.
Barren Fig Tree
I’m reminded of the parable of the fig tree in Luke Chapter 13. The tree has not produced fruit for the last three years. The owner wants to cut it down so the soil will be free for other plantings.
“6 Then he told this parable: ‘A man had a fig tree growing in his vineyard, and he went to look for fruit on it but did not find any. 7 So he said to the man who took care of the vineyard, “For three years now I’ve been coming to look for fruit on this fig tree and haven’t found any. Cut it down! Why should it use up the soil?”
“8 ‘”Sir,”’ the man replied, “leave it alone for one more year, and I’ll dig around it and fertilize it. 9 If it bears fruit next year, fine! If not, then cut it down.” (NIV)
At times in the natural you and I look at our lives and see little if any fruit and conclude there’s no hope or worse, pronounce a spiritual death sentence over ourselves. In Christ, Jesus has a different story for us.
My Experience
There are areas in my life I tried to overcome on my own or in the courtyard of the church at large and found sin’s power entrenched and immovable.
For example, I confessed and pronounced forgiveness of others for certain offenses and yet lingering unforgiveness prevented the fruit of the spirit bearing witness to my testimony.
What I’ve learned is I am unable to heal myself. I need the mystery of the gospel applied to my brokenness and to disciple me in true forgiveness. I need Christ to work the mystery of grace in my life where I can acknowledge my wounds, the offense, grieve, and not embrace the offense nor condemn the offender, but love in the “peace” only Christ can bring.
This is a high calling which only Jesus can accomplish in our heart. It is a process and a journey only God can take us on. Most likely it will require ministry from the body of Christ in some very unique and special ways.
In the natural, if we get a diagnosis of something requiring a specialist to treat, we seek out specialists who can help heal and restore us. Likewise, in the kingdom of God, there are specialists, who because of their own unique story, calling and heart, are best suited to minister in certain areas. They’ve been trained, gifted, and anointed for the different areas of brokenness we find in our lives.
Over the last 10 years I can think of six prominent individuals uniquely trained and gifted in different areas of ministry who have “ministered” to me. There’s been others, but there are six who stand out as specialists in their respective areas.
For example, one labored more in foundational, generational and parental areas of healing, another in spiritual warfare, one in fathering, another in creative impartation, one in trauma, and another in imparting truth in deep areas of thought and attitude, etc., you get the picture.
Looking back, I can see a pattern of how the Lord has been methodical in the healing and restoration journey he invited me into. I will be adding an area in the About Me section of my website that goes into more detail about specific areas.
Christ to the Rescue
Jesus sees the barriers and obstacles undermining and sabotaging fruitfulness in our lives. He sees what you and I can be in him free from agreements with sin, bitter roots and expectations, which bind our heart under the rulership of the carnal nature.
Christ sees your heart and mine crying out for connection with him. A living, breathing, and vibrant connection. A connection that changes who you are, what you believe, and how you act.
Christ’s invitation to me was something like this, “Would you permit me to invite you into a deeper place of intimacy with me? Would you permit me to reveal my word in you in the deep places of your heart and teach you the ways of my Holy Spirit? Would you let me grace you with my presence and receive my delight and love for you?”
“Would you let me disrupt your life and venture into those hidden and secret places of your heart held in darkness and bondage? And would you let me purge generational sins and create new thoughts and attitudes?”
Manifest Destiny
In the last century many thousands have pioneered new moves of the Holy Spirit adding to those before. And in our generations the landscape abounds with those in Christendom who have extended the reaches of the gospel to more people and to greater depths in the inner man.
We live in a time where choices and opportunities abound. We live in a culture where it seems there is no limit and no barriers man cannot conquer. The news is filled with exploits in science and technology as well as redemption through “self – help.”
And yet there is an increase in darkness determined to capture your heart and mine. Lot lived in such a time as this and so did Peter. Peter says of Lot he was distressed by the unrighteousness of the lives of those around him. Peter also says of Lot, God rescued him. (2 Peter Chapter 2)
Can We Save the Tree?
You might be thinking, well Drake, what you’ve been writing about in your last number of posts sound great, but is it practical and real? Can Jesus really take me deeper and clean me up?
Let’s take another look at the parable of the fig tree in Luke. The owner of the vineyard is very concerned about the tree. It was created and designed to produce fruit, good fruit. A lot of effort, resources, and thought went into the creation of the fig tree.
The bearing of fruit is not only critical for the tree but also the need in the owner’s heart to receive the fruit from his creation. Unless the tree bears fruit it cannot pass its seed on to the next generation (absent cutting and grafting).
The caretaker has come to intervene and rescue the tree before it’s too late. The tree has used all the resources normally employed in producing fruit and yet it lacks.
Here’s what I think the Lord may be contemplating as he examines our tree, the unfruitful areas of our heart and lives.
“Let’s see now, this area has not borne any fruit. This is not how I designed things to be. There does not appear to be anything outwardly amiss. Except for unfruitfulness, the outward looks fine.”
“Let’s see, they’re fellowshipping on a regular basis, receiving good teaching – the light of my word – and the water of my Spirit is present in their meetings. I’ve given them a good environment to grow and mature. I’ve prevented the enemy from overcoming them in trials and persecution.”
“But, alas, there is still no fruit. I will invite them on a journey with me from service and duty to obedience. I will intervene in their life to lead, guide and direct them in the ways of my Holy Spirit. I will bring them into true rest and freedom. A life of connection to me.”
“In order to stimulate fruit production, I will change the landscape and disrupt their current food supply. I’ll dig around and examine the root structure and determine how best and when to change and alter the intake of the roots without damaging or destroying them.”
“Further, I will apply through initiation, testing and discipline the truths of my word that have fed saints of old. I will fertilize the root systems with the “word” my father and I have purchased with my blood and also through the toil, labor, and testimonies of those in me. It has been food before and it will be food again.”
“I will replace the old soil with fresh nutrients. There will be discomfort but it will not be unto death but unto life. My disruption will interfere with the natural processes that have produced no fruit. I will replace the natural with spiritual and train the roots to feed on my word and Holy Spirit.”
“Provided I am permitted to do all these things, I will birth the fruitfulness of righteousness.” (quotes are mine)
Our Part
We live in a generation where there is an abundance of resources for obtaining a deeper relationship with Christ. Ease and speed of communication and travel connect us in ways unheard of in the past. This season is ripe for feasting on the Lord. There’s never been a time where there’s been so much available to the saints of God to pursue Christ.
In 2 Peter Chapter 3, Peter says we should live holy and godly lives with our vision directed towards Christ, and in so doing, hurry the day of Christ’s coming. Apprehending holiness and godliness require Christ. And apprehending Christ requires Christ intervening in our lives to the deep areas of our heart.
Finally, there is another truth, maybe, and a sober one, to the story of Luke 13, the parable of the fig tree. It’s not a truth I’d like to think about, but, nonetheless a truth. And that is the church of Laodicea mentioned in Revelation Chapter 3.
I am so thankful, that whether my tree is producing good or bad fruit Jesus is here to bring justice and make things right, and not only right the wrong, but increase the right.
Let’s pursue the things of God and permit God to pursue us, we may abound in his love and grace towards our self and one another, Amen.
(NIV) Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright© 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblical, Inc.®